Mercy Offered in Giving Food to the Hungry…

One of our UPRISE sisters in Christ recently shared that she has unexpectedly been supporting a homeless brother in Christ whose name is Eddie.

Eddie panhandles on the side of a freeway off-ramp nearly every day, seeking coin, food, anything that drivers-by would be willing to share.

Once day last week, Eddie happily reported that his collection of donations over the weeks had produced enough funds to buy a (very old) used car and put a tank of gas in the car. But as the week unfolded of him now being able to drive an hour to visit his ill sister he realized that it needed brake fluid, and a new tank of gas. Our UPRISE sister happily met Eddie at the gas station near by and paid for a tank of gas and brake fluid, plus purchased a sandwich, sides, even vitamins to keep Eddie healthy. Eddie was grateful.

Our UPRISE sister said she spent less than $100 on helping Eddie that day, has even brought him sandwiches on the freeway off ramp corner since, but asked recently what his end game is?

Eddie said that he is on permanent disability - but it is not enough to live on. He is now planning to love to New Mexico where it is warm year-round for being outside, and a place where he can afford to live in a daily fee motel, pick up odd painting jobs to fill in the government support.

Our UPRISE sister asked that we all keep Eddie in our prayers as many of the Works of Mercy are at work in lifting up Eddie! Go Holy Spirit, go!


Trying to Unite My Heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at all times…