Thank You for Praying for Bayan, A Syrian Refugee

Last week, through UPRISE's email address,, we received an email from Bayan, a Syrian refugee located now in Lebanon since 2012...according to the Human Rights Watch, 1.5 million Syrians are today refugees in Lebanon, with nearly 75 percent of them lacking any legal status. Thousands are now being forcibly evicted from the camps with no where to go.

Bayan reached out for help with the UNHCR so that he, his wife, and two children can receive asylum and resettlement, both of which for the time being he has been told he is not eligible for because he fled Syria without his identification papers.

This cry for help touched our UPRISE hearts - UPRISE volunteer team reached out to several non-governmental organizations around the US with operations in Lebanon and did receive helpful suggestions on how to deal with UNHCR so that Byan may have better success with their response.

This family's journey to safety is far from over, so today we are inviting all UPRISE movement-makers around the globe to join in the 14th Work of Mercy, which is PRAYER! God can do all things, is Almighty, loves each one of us as His children. Let's join in prayer today and in the days ahead for Bayan and his family, and all refugee families who are suffering without home nor homeland. May God personally lead each of them out of their current circumstances to abundant life. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.


Comforting Sorrowful Father & Son